
I love inter-racial couples.

I trust, electrobitches of the world, that you all are well-traveled and multi-lingual if you're reading this esteemed blog. Even if the only language you speak may be the language of awesome (or music, or whatever). Thus, I present to you the most delightfully multi-lingual video ever (Swedish and Portuguese, to be exact) - "Dansa Med Vapen (ft. Marina Gasolina)" by Maskinen.

Maskinen, a Swedish duo of rappers, push the Electro/Hip Hop envelope with influences from Baile Funk.

In their song/video "Dansa Med Vapen" they have enlisted the Brazilian Courtney Love (in looks), Marina Gasolina, to contribute to their catchy chorus - "Ah. Como eu sou rica e famosa. Já tá. Já tá com inveja espavorosa" = "Ah. How I'm rich and famous. Ah the jealousy of the powerful me."

NOTE: No zombie/tribal models were harmed in the making of this video.

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