
New Best Friend

Leslie Knope.

Yep. She is a fictional character from a show not enough people are watching Parks and Recreation.

And she is hilarious. I'm obsessed with her ridiculousness.

And how she just says whatever she wants.

And is a lunatic.

And my fav Leslie quote: "There are very few things I have asked for in this world. To build a new park from scratch, to eventually become President and to one day solve a murder on a train"


Just watch the show. Its electrobitch endorsed.


  1. this is a good post.

    but i KIND OF wish that it was just called "New Best Friend" and only had the first picture of her bleeding on the ground. with no caption or explanation after that.

    thats the kind of BFF i'm looking for.

  2. A dead BFF is a good BFF.

    Parks and Rec is my favorite show. I want to be best friends with Andy.
